Economic criminal law

Business activity involves not only risks of purely economic nature but also those involving criminal law. The growing number of business frauds shows that the issues of economic criminal law may concern not only every entrepreneur but also persons holding managerial positions and serving as members of governing bodies of companies.

 The Law Office RGW offers the following services in the area of economic criminal law:

  •  Legal advice and out-of-court and in court representation of entrepreneurs in cases concerning business frauds, rules of fair competition and criminal responsibility under particular laws
  • Defence of the suspected and accused of business fraud and corruption at all stages of proceedings (preparatory, court, executory proceedings)
  • Legal advice in criminal cases concerning money laundering
  • Representation of members of governing bodies of companies in cases involving their criminal responsibility for activities of a company
  • Legal assistance in the area of criminal fiscal law
  • Representation of collective entities in connection with their criminal responsibility
  • Carrying out an audit in respect of criminal law in enterprises operating in different lines of business
  • Comprehensive legal advice in various areas of economic criminal law based on full analysis of the issues related to business fraud
  • Legal assistance at the stage of preparatory and court proceedings given to the parties aggrieved by white-collar crimes

More information on economic criminal law in the following publications: Audyt prawnokarny (available in Polish)  The practice of money laundering, O odpowiedzialności podmiotów zbiorowych za czyny zabronione pod groźbą kary (available in Polish) and Kierowaniu wykonywaniem czynu zabronionego” jako istocie sprawstwa kierowniczego (available in Polish).

Contact us:

Piotr R. Graczyk

Piotr R. Graczyk


Wojciech Cieślak

Wojciech Cieślak
