Remuneration based on hourly rates
Remuneration of the RGW Law Office is based on the agreed hourly rates according to the workload involved. An individual hourly rate depends on the position, professional qualifications and experience of a person handling a given matter. The average hourly rates may be agreed upon for individual employee groups as well as lump sum amounts, if specificity of an assignment and scope of work involved so allow.
When settlement is made according to an hourly rate, the workload will be accounted for in respect of each initiated quarter of a hour.
Lump sum remuneration
It is possible to agree upon a lump sum remuneration which is to be fixed in advance for a given project.The amount of a lump sum remuneration depends on the level of complexity of a project and estimated workload.
Success fee
Under both forms of fixing remuneration of the RGW Law Office, an additional remuneration (on completion of an assignment) may be agreed upon – in such case, it is fixed on a success fee basis and calculated as a percentage of the value of the object of an assignment.
Remuneration based on a budget
In each case, for each assignment, a maximum budget may be agreed upon to be prepared jointly by the RGW Law Office and the Client for the purposes of a given assignment.
Additional costs
The costs related to the handling of a given matter, in particular telecommunications, travel, courier service and similar costs shall be added to the remuneration due to the RGW Law Office – reflecting actual expenses incurred by RGW.